Wood laying next to a fireplace

Fire Safety For Your Pets

Every year, more than 500,000 different pets are affected by house fires. Many times these fires can be avoided by taking precautions, but there are times where it is simply out of your control. So, what can you do to fires and what can you do in case of an emergency to ensure the safety of you, your family, and your pets? Continue reading to learn more about some pet fire safety tips.

Pet Fire Safety Tips

Monitored Smoke Detectors

If you happen to live in an area that is prone to fires or you are concerned that your pet may accidentally start a fire, monitored smoke detectors are something to take into consideration. These are amazing because they work in the same way normal smoke detectors work, but in addition, they alert the fire department immediately. This way, if you are ever out of the house when a fire occurs, you can rest assured that it will be taken care of.

Hiding Places

Those of us with pets know that they can make their way into the most obscure locations and hiding places. It is important that you know where these hiding places in case you need to evacuate so that you can easily find your pet and get them to safety. It may be best to just get rid of these places altogether by shitting furniture or reorganizing there aren't so many little nooks and crannies.

Emergency Plan

Many families have an emergency fire plan. These plans often include an evacuation plan, a meeting point for when you get out of the house, and maybe even emergency bags to grab on your way out if possible. It is extremely important to include your pets in your emergency fire plan. Some things to know in case of an emergency is who will grab what pet and some emergency supplies for them. That way, if an emergency comes everyone knows what to do to be safe. Other things to identify in your emergency plan are where you will exit the house depending on where the fire is and have a safe exit plan including a place to meet up once you make it outside. Another thing to do with this plan once you have set it is to practice it consistently so your pet is used to the quick actions of getting out of the house. Dogs may think that it is fun to quickly run out of the house and can be trained to go to certain spots outside, but cats may need to be picked up and taken outside, so you are going to want to get them accustomed to it.

Pet-Proof Home

Pet-proofing your home is an important precaution to ensure that no fires start accidentally, especially when you are not home. Some things to look out for are cables that can spark and catch fire. Other things include any lamps that could be knocked over into a curtain. If you have candles around the house, make sure they aren't lit unless someone is in the room as a lit candle can be enticing to some pets. Check out this article to learn more about Dog-Proofing Your Home.

Rescue Alert Sticker

This is a sticker that goes in your front window and states how many pets are inside. Many even have room to specify what species your pet is (i.e. cat, dog, bird). These are a great indicator for when firefighters arrive to let them know that there are pets that need to be rescued. You can pick one up at your local pet store or order them online from places like Amazon.

Emergency Travel Supplies

If you need to evacuate your home in a hurry, you may not have time to get everything that you will need, especially everything to take care of your pet. That is why it is important to keep a stash of emergency supplies, or an emergency kit of things to take with you in the event of an emergency. Some things to make sure you have to include:

One thing to remember is that this is not a comprehensive list, and your dog's emergency kit may look different from the dog who lives down the street. Just make sure that your dog will have everything they need in a rush.

Pet Id

Making sure your pet has the proper ID is very important because it can allow you to reunite with them in the event that you get separated. You can do this by making sure that they have their collar on them and they have the correct info on that collar. You can take this one step further by microchipping them so if they lose their collar, they can still make it back to you.


There are many pet fire safety tips that can help you prepare for, and make it through a house fire. The most important thing to remember is to do your best to them from happening, but still, be prepared for one if it does happen.

